Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First day of school as a Junior in college

Well, it was ALMOST my last first day of school. Second to last to be precise. And for the first time I really felt "old" on campus. Thinking about the figures here, I only have 3 semesters of undergrad left. Crazy! -Since I will be graduating in December 2011. I guess you can call me the 3 and 1/2er. :) yay! My classes so far will be challenging but I believe a healthy balance as well. I have Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and The Structure and Meaning of English words on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And on Wednesdays I have my Junior Pro-seminar. I have been told I am crazy with the classes I am taking at the same time (for an English major). One thing I am worried about though: memorizing the first 18 lines of Chaucers Canterbury Tales General Prologue in Middle English by next week. If we do not pass this test, the professor said he would drop us immediately from the course. (Isn't pressure just LOVELY?) But looking at the syllabus for each class, I think everything will be fairly spread out and balanced. Just the end of the year projects and papers will likely hit me like a ton of bricks... But hey, I don't have to worry about that until December right??

As for the first day overall: It went rather smoothly. Syllabus day is simple. But I already have assignments due this week! The most interesting part of the day came at the end. When It began hailing and raining Monsoon style the last 15 min of my last class of the day. Since I had to park far away (about 1 mile) it was a very drenching hike back to my car. In flip flops, people slip on the slick concrete when it is inches deep in water. So you see tons of students barefoot carrying their flip flops. I tried it for a little but then I stepped on rocks, so I scratched that idea. After trudging through the rivers that were the streets on campus in my white shorts, I was then splashed on the legs by CatTran. After saying "seriously?!" out loud to an inanimate bus I finally made it to my car. SAFE! I proceeded home where I showered and scrubbed my feet.

Here's to a good/challenging year.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Have we forgotten freedom of religion?

It is practically embarrassing to be American right now. First SB 1070 and now all this fear of Islam.
Honestly, the uneducated masses are really turning into a flock of senseless and ignorant sheep.
-Hmm. Not surprised.

Things I currently have issues with:

1. The fact that more and more people think President Obama is Muslim. He isn't, and if he were, WHO CARES?

2. The fact that three proposed mosques in New York, Nashville, and (the more familiar to me) Temecula are being denounced and protested. Have we forgotten what our founding fathers have written? Freedom of religion is one of the most fundamental aspects of our Constitution. So regarding number 1 as well, WHO CARES if there are Islamic mosques being built? Who are next, Buddhists? Mormons? Jews? Hindus? Jehovah's Witnesses? And heaven forbid we target Atheists too. I was a little disappointed when Obama didn't take a firm stance on this (due to all the criticism from O.W.R.C.C.s**). But I am happy he addressed number 1.

3. I sincerely believe with all of my soul that people have the right to believe whatever they want and practice it whenever and wherever they choose. I also believe that humanity has outlived every religion, and it will surpass yours. There are plenty of playgrounds next to Catholic churches where little boys play all day long. No one is protesting that! Simply because a proposed mosque is 4 blocks from ground zero doesn't mean ignorant freaks can deny them the right to practice Islam. Its simply not our choice.

4. Last, believe what you want. IF god created us as a fair amount of people believe, he created us to doubt him, believe in other gods, and practice in many different ways. So quit protesting the Constitution and start promoting human rights, making America look even more stupid than we already do.

**O.W.R.C.C.s = Old white rich conservative christians - aka majority in power in all United States governmental institutions

I hope that these people find justice and peace in their endeavors to practice their faith.
Keep church and state separate please.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010


He was notified today that he got his first patent.
He's so smart and dedicated to what he does it's finally showing in this new achievement.
So excited, happy and proud of him for all his hard work.
Now on to bigger and even better things... and inventor status of course.
-Cheers to you my love 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Letters to My Future Husband #2

Dear Future Husband,
I noticed a couple today that was yelling at each other about nonsense in front of their small child. Let us never be that way, and handle any difference in opinion calmly and not let it concern/affect our future child. 
Your Future Wife

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kartchner Caverns

Today Jeremy and I were invited to go down to Kartchner Caverns near Benson Arizona. My friend Lauren and her husband drove us down and came on the tour with us. The caves are a national park, so everything is almost completely preserved. They don't allow ANYTHING but you in the cave in hopes of keeping it preserved and living. Therefore no cameras. I did buy some postcards at the end. The only pictures I could post were found online. I would totally recommend it to my Arizona friends. A totally educational and fun trip. The stalactites and stalagmites were incredible. I walked in with straight hair and came out with curly hair its about 90% humidity in there! Anyway they had this neat light show to music that showcased parts of the Throne Room area of the cave. The tallest column there is 58 feet tall! The butterscotch coloring of the decorations were gorgeous in person. Everything is so fragile-looking. A truly "spiritual experience." What I found amazing was that we have no idea that there are such amazing things going on below the earth's surface millions of years in the making. These pictures do not do the experience justice. It did cost money to take the tour, but it was definitely worth it. I love exploring new places with my man. <3


Monday, August 9, 2010

Lazy or Busy? Anyway, long update post

I suppose I have been extremely lazy with posting since my last post was approximately two days from a month ago. OOPS! Well there is plenty to update on since my short but amazing trip to San Diego. Here are a few pictures to bring things a bit closer to "recent."
Seal Beach La Jolla

The smell of the ocean reminds me of home

How does one take a picture with a seal?

Down to Sunny Jim Cave

In the cave

Relaxing at home

Story time with Ella

Feeding Kira lunch

Playtime outside with the hose

The squealing excitement was so adorable!

Cruising with teething biscuit in the pie-hole

Playing whiffle-ball out front with daddy

And Ella too


Off-shore kayaking La Jolla shores

All wet after flipping over on the way in haha!

I guess that will cover the San Diego trip. Kayaking was amazing I totally want to purchase my own. We went on a group tour with La Jolla Kayak since it was our first time out in the open ocean. But I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. Since being home to Tucson I have been working and mentally preparing myself for back to school. I have only 3 semesters left and I am going to be busting my way through them working hard for every grade. Summer indeed flew by. Working really does soak all the time up like a sponge. Time to get back to the grind in just a few short weeks.

As for other interesting things, I spotted my first Tarantula outside of a plastic container the other day. In front of Jeremy's house! We were returning from an evening of cosmic bowling with his work friends when I spotted him on the front walkway. I was okay with him mainly because he was outside and doing his own thing, helping us by eating bad bugs :). He blends pretty well with the rocks. But he's a big one thats for sure.

So over the weekend my love and I ran some errands, which is always fun. Among other things we went to Mesquite Valley Growers nursery to buy some herbs/plants to put in the kitchen windowsill. The house finally has some life to it! We ended up with Rosemary, Basil, and some tropical random plant with a strange name I can't recall. :) Modeling the fabulous Kelly, I decided to name them!

From left to right: Maria, Roberto, and Francis.

So I plan on looking up recipes beyond chicken or potatoes and pesto to use Maria and Francis with. Suggestions? As for Roberto, he is just a looker.