Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Book club meeting #1...

A dud.

Sadly all but one called and texted at the last minute saying they couldn't attend this time. 

I cleaned the house.
I lit candles all around.
I baked spice cake muffins with cream cheese frosting and marshmallow fondant mini books (see below, some more perfect than others...eh?).
I provided Cherry Pomegranate tea.
I bought pita chips and both sun dried tomato and regular hummus. (Hummuses? hummii?)

But alas, only my dear friend Lauren rang my doorbell promptly at 7 o'clock this evening.

So she and I chatted and skyped with bff Acacia in LA and discussed topics other than the book considering we wanted to save it for the rest of the group that will "for sure make the next one."

I felt like I had my own mini girls night with two of my favorite people. It turned out alright in the end, even though it was slightly depressing at the beginning. I guess when you hype yourself up for something and work really hard for it to be perfect, there's always a chance for disappointment. I guess sometimes you just need to slow down and change the pace of your life, not stopping too often worry about the littlest things.

Besides, earlier this week I randomly called my aunt to catch up. She later texted me that my call made her day. 

And tonight I spoke on the phone for almost half an hour with my step-mom. We talked about making plans for them to visit this summer which makes me really excited! 

They should hurry over while my house is still clean!


-friends and family

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

update and thoughts

So my first book club meeting is fast approaching, and apparently the professor that is coming invited the English Department head. eek! We have also changed one of the books we are reading. Instead of Anne Radcliffe's The Italian we will read Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray.

Still living alone in this castle of a house. Its getting a bit comfortable during the day, but nights are still creepy and spooky as ever. Thank goodness for alarms and my Marsona Electric Sound Conditioner. I call it my sleep mate. If you need one see here: http://www.drugstore.com/marsona-electronic-sound-conditioner-tsc-330/qxp331462.

So I have caved and joined up at LA Fitness. Why? Because I took up Kickboxing again and found the most amazing instructor. She is awesome, yells in your face and makes me push myself like I really haven't been lately. I feel like I am getting stronger every day.

In other news, you may know I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. -But NOT anymore! I have been through my caffeine withdrawal period and have successfully been enjoying only tea and water for the past 2 weeks, and still going strong! Its funny I have been having less headaches since I quit DC, when I used to need one to get rid of headaches. Perhaps they were the root cause of my chronic headaches in the first place... It is quite liberating.

This past weekend J and myself attended an IBM potluck which included stuffing my face and chatting with J's upper management and coworkers I already know. Supposedly I got a positive review from the coworkers I haven't met! (Yesss) I brought my mom's spinach dip and sweet Hawaiian bread, which also got good reviews :-).

The Kaplan LSAT test prep is officially kicked into gear. I took my full length Diagnostic Test. It is a mentally taxing skills based exam but with practice I think it will be a manageable hurdle. My test is 101 days away. The countdown begins...

My thoughts regarding something that has been festering... I won't name names... BUT when you warn someone about something their supposed best friend is doing behind their back, then they ask them what was up with said thing, and that friend lies to their face or leaves out what they actually did, and after being confronted about said warning as a false warning and apologizing for assuming, you find out more information that further confirms that they lied to the someone going exactly with what you had originally warned them about, do you say anything? or let the person who was betrayed believe them and still claim you assumed a falsehood with the hopes that one day they will commit a similar friendship offense and say nothing? I dunno...

-busy body, busy mind

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Summer, and I am starting a Book Club

YES. –A real book club. I don’t care that it is an old lady activity. I have invited several friends from my favorite English class (British and American Literature from 1660-1865), my professor and graduate teaching assistant included, and they are super interested! 

My professor’s name is Dr. Charles Scruggs and he is simply fabulous and has one of the most brilliant minds I have ever encountered. He is in his late 70’s, wears suspenders, is a former bee-keeper, tells hilarious jokes, and finds the sexual innuendo in absolutely everything. He is my dream of a funny old man.

Anyway we will be reading two Gothic novels suggested by Dr. Scruggs: one he has read, and one he has not. If you are interested in reading them too we are reading Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto (1764) and Ann Radcliffe’s The Italian (1797)
Ann Radcliffe

Horace Walpole

I have been looking up book club etiquette sites and thinking of appetizer-like snacks or treats to make for the first meeting in July. Any ideas? I plan to include out of town people by way of Skype! I am hoping to take pictures and maybe even record discussions. I am in love with this idea. It is something to look forward to beyond summer classes and the burning Tucson sun.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the 4th be with you

That is when you say, "and also with you!"
After pulling two all nighters writing a total of 25 pages I am taking a mental vacation by watching TV tonight. I do have a final in two days, but I will push that worry on to tomorrow.

On another note, I attended my last day of classes today before finals begin and I am going to truly miss this semester. I fell in love with literature again and I hope to carry forward my love for the texts I read this semester by continuing to read the authors in the future.


Monday, April 25, 2011


My thoughts have been drifting lately.
I feel as though there is too much going on in my head!
I actually put the dirty towels in the dryer first this evening. 
shortly after turning it on and taking three steps from the machine, I sighed and turned around. 
Please time, pause yourself so that I may mentally make it through these next few weeks.

Anyway, my weekend had its ups and downs.
Friday was a little fun. But I quickly confirmed everyone's predictions about me and the bars. Since I don't enjoy drinking all that much, not really my scene. But anyway, we went with the boyfriend's friends down to The Hut to watch a friend's band play. They had some really fun songs! It was reggae type music so, easy listening and fun to dance around. It was most difficult to get boyfriend to dance with me but once I did, we were having the best time. I don't remember us having more fun than that recently, it really was enjoyable. Then however, the music stopped and so did the fun. 

I'll skip forward to Saturday. We shopped all day for boyfriend to get some shoes since his are rotten and gross. (P.S. I hate the mall.) After 23 stores and 2 malls and 1 stop at Paradise Bakery for dinner, we found him some shoes. They appear comfy since the insoles are made with the same material as a yoga mat. After that, we watched the new version of Gulliver's Travels at his parents house... I didn't love it. I prefer the 1995 Ted Danson version myself. Anywho, rewarded with good food in my belly I was happy to relax and go to sleep at a decent hour that night.

Sunday was Easter! So I woke up and made Grandma Bankston's Famous Chocolate Chocolate Cake recipe, adding a little Easter flair...
Twas deliciously rich with chocolate fudge frosting and chocolate mousse filling/decorated nest. And there was a boatload leftover. 

On another bright note, Wall-E was on TV this weekend. So instead of reading for homework, I watched. I just love that movie! It is so sweet! It reminds me of my relationship. Me empathizing with Wall-e of course, and J with Eve. Don't worry about gender... they are robots after all. 

Boyfriend's birthday is coming up soon... Which means I have to work on something magnificent... I will post the updates from that.. 

As for now I have three 10-15 page papers and 4 Final exams standing in the way of the semester's end.
Time to work through these next few weeks like I haven't done this whole senior-itis laden year!!

-off to the races

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It becomes more discouraging when more than one thing you want in life rejects you. One thing rejecting you is kind of a reminder like "okay, no worries I'll get the next one."

It hurts your guts when you realize the tenth thing you've tried for rejects you. You almost don't want to try anymore. That "I thought I had it" feeling turns into "I don't understand" which turns into "whats wrong with me?" and that turns into "I need a chocolate bar." But a chocolate bar won't fix it. I guess thats when the cycle restarts.

I just couldn't hold back the tears in my last class of the day today. Perhaps it is not as awful as when I found out I wasn't receiving FAFSA money. Maybe less heartbreaking than not getting the English Department Scholarship I worked so hard for. But I do really know what being crushed feels like today.

I need to go think of happier things.
My next post will have to be about something fun.
Perhaps my spring break pictures or something I have cooked.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Not "strange" per se but it is a recurring problem with girls at the U of A. Wearing jeans that are 3 sizes too small (causing likely unintentional muffin top) and a racer back top that exposes your midriff with your dark lace-bra peering out of the top.

hmm classy?

This outfit in question belongs today to a girl in my class, who happens to be in the sorority I belonged to. I wish she were a better representation!

another female in question would be the girl sitting 3 rows over two people in front of me. with short shorts and tall UGG boots... Its 57 degrees out and sunny.. are you hot? or cold?

Can someone please solve this mystery?

over and out

Strange outfits

Is today strange outfit day?
I seem to have seen more strange articles of clothing today than any other day.
my most recent shockers:
passing between my first and second class,

Guy wearing Jean short shorts with tight under-armor leggings underneath

Girl with black bedazzled leggings... like really bedazzled leggings all over.

and Girl with flip-flops decorated with plastic green grapes....

I'll keep my eye out for more.

could not take pictures since I was far too stunned.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So grown up

Each day that passes is another one closer to my birthday/Spring Break and ultimately graduation this December. I just recently found out, via facebook so technically I wasn't purposely informed, but nonetheless fortunately found out that my friend Kieren is going to be a mommy! I am so happy for her and I know she is going to be a great mom. Its amazing how grown up one can feel when people around them are married or pregnant or married and pregnant. How adult-y.

After I attended the real live Con Law class yesterday, I left with this excited bubbly feeling in my stomach, like maybe I CAN do this and maybe I won't be so out of place in law school. You know how you envision yourself somewhere or doing something in the future, but theres always that hesitation inside like maybe I will be awkward in that particular group of people or my puzzle piece wont fit, or I just won't feel comfortable in general? I tend to feel that way about a lot of things/places/future goals. But this actually made me take a step back and say wow, this is not as intimidating as I thought it would be, the people are really nice, and its an environment where things are discussed that truly contribute to society and the way it works here in the United States.

Its all kind of scary but so exciting too. Next step to tackle...

get into law school.

On another note, this gorgeous Gelato cake from Frost I tried last weekend was spectacular.

I might need to purchase myself one of these for my birthday coming up!! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


sure takes it's toll. I am enjoying the rain however. I love the pit-pattering sounds outside.
I am so disgustingly busy these days I am forgetting that sleep is an important part of staying awake.
Tomorrow I have the opportunity to visit/sit in on a Constitutional Law class at the law school, I have two tests and a paper due this week, Aunt Sue and company coming to visit this week, Fresh Paint is this weekend, and midterms are coming up these next few weeks.

I got the internship! exciting, stressful, useful, exciting again.


Oh and as for Valentines day 2.0. I guess it won't be happening. Boyfriend already filed away my card I gave him last week.
Something that is secretly getting me down. I really wanted to be surprised, have something done just for me. Maybe just a card? but maybe that was being selfish and thats why it isn't happening. Oh well.


but, 19 days until my birthday and spring break.

Just gotta push through this.

p.s. the ground squirrels are back!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It is now February

And Valentine's Day has come and gone.
Boyfriend and I spent a lovely evening at home eating freshly picked up Chipotle burritos and chips and guacamole of course. I gave him the card I made and I delighted in decorating the house with Valentine cheer.
I even made hand made chocolate hearts. But I didn't have enough time to do the craft I wanted to do for his gift. So, since boyfriend decided we should celebrate Valentines Day next weekend instead, we are having Vday Take 2.

After being denied in-state residency, rejected from several scholarship applications, and generally feeling down about myself as a human being, things began to look up this past week. Just yesterday I had an interview with a law firm and was hired on the spot! I can't believe I got an internship that will actually relate to my potential future as an attorney. I say potential because we can never know what will happen when I graduate in 10 months. My first day (training) is tomorrow and I am so nervous.

(excuse me while I puke)

Anyway, I went to a percentage night for Mortar Board, something I am also interested in joining lately. I want to have something great on my resume that shows I am involved in the community beyond trying to support myself with my 3 (count them, THREE) jobs. I saw a few ADPi's at No Anchovies and it was so nice sitting and catching up with them. I forget how nice girl time is, especially girl time with ADPi sisters. I wish money didn't stop me from being a part of the sisterhood anymore. I get really sad sometimes because I get caught up in what needs to be done this week, tomorrow, and in the next moment that I forget about how much fun I had just talking, laughing, and dancing with my sisters.

I miss it.

As for MB, Working on the application is really hard when there are homework assignments burning through my planner so much so that I can smell the smoke they are creating. Each professor today in class mentioned the midterms coming up next week and the following.

I really should do some yoga.

Speaking of exercise I love my new workout DVD that I purchased on Amazon. Call me silly but I love Julianne Hough's workout videos; they are fun, she motivates me, and they kick my butt! I love trying new workout routines and this is just something fun to do when I don't feel like a run. I gotta look good if I am going to be the birthday queen in Las Vegas next month!

Another thought...

I have this dreadful stuffy nose/sneeze attack that is so frustrating and distracting its really pitiful that it bothers me so much.
It's not going away either. I am 1/2 way through a box of AlkaSeltzer Cold medicine in 3 days and still not 100%.

Time to go. I need to lay down. Tomorrow is a big day for me.

-promise to write more

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hi there,
So it's been a while. I even forgot the password to access this thing! Busy as usual. It seems as if time has flown particularly quickly since I last posted. There will have to be an update post with tons of pictures later. Just stopping in I suppose. I need to blow the dust off of this old thing and get back to it.

Current Thoughts...
My arm is currently sore from the Gardasil shot I received on Monday. ouch.
The idiot girl that waxed my eyebrows yesterday took my right one just about clean off and I cried.
I hate when people make you look like an asshole on the internet and you didn't even do anything asshole-ish.
I'm considering adding an American Indian Studies minor.
I secretly want to delete my Facebook but I don't know if I have the strength.
I love working at the museum.
I love my boyfriend.
I love salad and cookies at Paradise Bakery.
I hate laundry and homework.
This semester is going to be the most difficult semester I have ever had.
