Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Book club meeting #1...

A dud.

Sadly all but one called and texted at the last minute saying they couldn't attend this time. 

I cleaned the house.
I lit candles all around.
I baked spice cake muffins with cream cheese frosting and marshmallow fondant mini books (see below, some more perfect than others...eh?).
I provided Cherry Pomegranate tea.
I bought pita chips and both sun dried tomato and regular hummus. (Hummuses? hummii?)

But alas, only my dear friend Lauren rang my doorbell promptly at 7 o'clock this evening.

So she and I chatted and skyped with bff Acacia in LA and discussed topics other than the book considering we wanted to save it for the rest of the group that will "for sure make the next one."

I felt like I had my own mini girls night with two of my favorite people. It turned out alright in the end, even though it was slightly depressing at the beginning. I guess when you hype yourself up for something and work really hard for it to be perfect, there's always a chance for disappointment. I guess sometimes you just need to slow down and change the pace of your life, not stopping too often worry about the littlest things.

Besides, earlier this week I randomly called my aunt to catch up. She later texted me that my call made her day. 

And tonight I spoke on the phone for almost half an hour with my step-mom. We talked about making plans for them to visit this summer which makes me really excited! 

They should hurry over while my house is still clean!


-friends and family