Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hi there,
So it's been a while. I even forgot the password to access this thing! Busy as usual. It seems as if time has flown particularly quickly since I last posted. There will have to be an update post with tons of pictures later. Just stopping in I suppose. I need to blow the dust off of this old thing and get back to it.

Current Thoughts...
My arm is currently sore from the Gardasil shot I received on Monday. ouch.
The idiot girl that waxed my eyebrows yesterday took my right one just about clean off and I cried.
I hate when people make you look like an asshole on the internet and you didn't even do anything asshole-ish.
I'm considering adding an American Indian Studies minor.
I secretly want to delete my Facebook but I don't know if I have the strength.
I love working at the museum.
I love my boyfriend.
I love salad and cookies at Paradise Bakery.
I hate laundry and homework.
This semester is going to be the most difficult semester I have ever had.
