Monday, April 25, 2011


My thoughts have been drifting lately.
I feel as though there is too much going on in my head!
I actually put the dirty towels in the dryer first this evening. 
shortly after turning it on and taking three steps from the machine, I sighed and turned around. 
Please time, pause yourself so that I may mentally make it through these next few weeks.

Anyway, my weekend had its ups and downs.
Friday was a little fun. But I quickly confirmed everyone's predictions about me and the bars. Since I don't enjoy drinking all that much, not really my scene. But anyway, we went with the boyfriend's friends down to The Hut to watch a friend's band play. They had some really fun songs! It was reggae type music so, easy listening and fun to dance around. It was most difficult to get boyfriend to dance with me but once I did, we were having the best time. I don't remember us having more fun than that recently, it really was enjoyable. Then however, the music stopped and so did the fun. 

I'll skip forward to Saturday. We shopped all day for boyfriend to get some shoes since his are rotten and gross. (P.S. I hate the mall.) After 23 stores and 2 malls and 1 stop at Paradise Bakery for dinner, we found him some shoes. They appear comfy since the insoles are made with the same material as a yoga mat. After that, we watched the new version of Gulliver's Travels at his parents house... I didn't love it. I prefer the 1995 Ted Danson version myself. Anywho, rewarded with good food in my belly I was happy to relax and go to sleep at a decent hour that night.

Sunday was Easter! So I woke up and made Grandma Bankston's Famous Chocolate Chocolate Cake recipe, adding a little Easter flair...
Twas deliciously rich with chocolate fudge frosting and chocolate mousse filling/decorated nest. And there was a boatload leftover. 

On another bright note, Wall-E was on TV this weekend. So instead of reading for homework, I watched. I just love that movie! It is so sweet! It reminds me of my relationship. Me empathizing with Wall-e of course, and J with Eve. Don't worry about gender... they are robots after all. 

Boyfriend's birthday is coming up soon... Which means I have to work on something magnificent... I will post the updates from that.. 

As for now I have three 10-15 page papers and 4 Final exams standing in the way of the semester's end.
Time to work through these next few weeks like I haven't done this whole senior-itis laden year!!

-off to the races

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